Don’t let your organisations response to COVID-19 be the yardstick by which you measure your Crisis competence.
Absolutely everyone is in Crisis.
No-one has escaped. The COVID-19 crisis has impacted us all, in one way or another. However, the crisis you're experiencing isn't necessarily how a crisis is under normal circumstances.
When you are dealing with a crisis, you are singled out for attention. You are under the spotlight. You. And you alone. For some, the current pandemic has provided unintentional camouflage for poor, or non-existent, crisis management. Under normal circumstances, this approach to the Coronavirus crisis would be exposed and magnified as a dereliction of duty.
Scant preparation, poor decision-making, and insensitive communications. These have all played a part in many organisations approaches to dealing with the ongoing crisis. However, due to the global scale of the crisis, organisations have largely escaped public scrutiny. Seemingly saving themselves from irreparable reputational damage.
If there is one thing to learn from this lesson in crisis management, it's the importance of bespoke crisis training for your organisation.
issues and crises
Every industry has its own specific risks, issues and crises. However, there are also crises that impact any sector.
- Smouldering crises account for the majority of crises in the news
- Mismanagement is a top crisis across all sectors
- Sexual harassment is a growing crisis due to #metoo and #timesup movements
- Cybercrime hits all industries with the number of known incidences increasing year on year
- Discrimination and racism are important issues to address due to BLM and LGBTQ+ movements
Are you ready to handle a crisis?
Have you and your team learnt from how you've managed the impact of the COVID-19 Crisis? Is your corporate resilience professional and robust?
Crisis Management Team
Have you built and empowered an independent team to be responsible for all decisions?
Crisis teams will only be effective if they are trained correctly, and tested robustly.
How are you communicating to your stakeholders?
Sensitively communicating during the COVID-19 crisis, especially when it’s bad news that you need to convey, isn’t an easy task. Either using specially trained communications experts, or receiving specialist training, to manage your comms is absolutely imperative.
Crisis Comms
Crisis Management
Are you successfully managing the COVID-19 crisis?
Protocols, policies and issues are constantly changing throughout COVID-19. Having a handle on how to navigate and manage a crisis makes all the difference. Secure your organisation’s future with expert guidance and advice on managing a crisis.
How are you managing change in your business?
During and post the Coronavirus pandemic, your organisation will be required to implement changes, sometimes on relatively short notice. These will be both ‘forced’ from inevitable consequences, such as Government guidance, and ‘elected’ changes. Changes that will re-engineer your organisation. Are your change management plans rigorous enough to cope with the sheer extent of change that is to be expected?
Change Management
Issues handled well rarely turn into crises.
Experience of facilitating and communicating in crisis situations is a must for all businesses.
The Hard Rain approach
We believe in honesty, transparency, consistency and accountability.
Hard Rain is relentless in its approach to crises. With a lifetime of experience, we support our clients to demonstrate crisis readiness through our crisis management, communications and training provisions.
We advocate a long-term partnership approach, with many clients now entering a second decade of benefiting from the invaluable expertise Hard Rain provides.
COVID-19 Articles

COVID-19 Crisis Response – Four Questions to ask
Don’t let your organisations response to COVID-19 be the yardstick by which you measure your crisis competence.

Coronavirus Crisis – Why Leaders must be extra vigilant
In the drive to survive the Coronavirus Crisis, organisations might unknowingly be letting standards slip. Beware.